Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Make money by uploading photos


 shareapic.net is a website that allows you to put your own pictures or photos and when someone clicks on them, you get paid for  each click. You can share the pictures or photos you upload to other galleries in your own forums, blogs, myspace and much more, so that you can draw more attention to your content. There is no limit to how much you can share with others which is great, which means you can earn as much as you want. You can earn either by your forums, myspace, blogs or google adsense. This makes your advertising even greater and could reach even more people. The only way to get paid at the moment is by paypal, which is the safest option. This website is great at promoting your photos/pictures to other people by them clicking your content. It is a fun way to earn money by what you have created. I recommend this site to anyone who shows their pictures/photos to their mates a lot or anyone who wants to earn extra cash

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