Linkbucks is a very unique advertising membership program created by internet marketer Charles Major that allows people to modify their own links so that they can earn ad revenue from them. This program works on the pay-per-click system, working with advertisers to get their ads seen in a variety of places on the internet.
Detailed Overview
Linkbucks uses a pretty innovative idea for its advertising program, although at first it can be a little confusing trying to figure it all out. Though some more internet and script-savvy people might not have a problem understanding it, beginners may have a lot more difficulty.
When you get past the Linkbucks tech-speak, it’s really fairly simple. As a blogger or a forum poster, you often have links in your signature that lead people to your website. As a website owner, you often put links on your site to other websites, perhaps if you’re trading links or linking to an affiliate website.
When you become a member of Linkbucks, you can submit these links to their program, and they will modify them with code, then you put the modified links on your website, blog, or in your signature. When people click on your links, they will still go where you want them to, but because of the added code, they’ll see an intermission ad for a few seconds first, or they’ll see a framed banner on the top of your destination page.
When someone clicks on your specially coded Linkbucks link, you earn money. You don’t get a lot for one click, but if you get a lot of clicks, your earnings can add up. The advertiser gets what they want, people are still linking to where you want them to go, and you’re making some extra money all at the same time.
Feedback on Linkbucks is overwhelmingly positive. Though nobody is claiming to make a lot of money through the program, nobody really expects to. What members do report is that they are always paid on time, that the coded links never cause them any trouble, and that support is always quick and helpful when needed.
Click here to register and make money