When deciding which company to use to earn income from links, most people choose Google Adsense. I am here to say Google Adsense sucks. It is a poor comparison to Adbrite. You can cater Adbrite ads to fit in with your site for a nice smooth look and even add full page ads that rotate between your pages. Adbrite also offers advertisers the chance to have their links displayed on some of the top webpages on the internet. Some sites getting 470,000 hits per day. Imagine having your link on their page and actually being within a reasonable budget. Adbrite is better than Google Adsense and more user friendly.
Adbrite is one of the best alternatives to Google AdSense which helps you monetizing your website with various formats of ads from top advertisers. Here we have discussed various essential aspects of Adbrite to explain the process which helps you money making with Adbrite easily.
1- Ads Format Offered by Adbrite
Adbrite offer a great variety in ads format to cater the publisher's demands. Various ads format available at Adbrite include text ads, banner ads, full page ads, inline ads and BritePic. The highly paying ads are full page ads but theses ads are not allowed to show more than one time per day to individual visitor.
2- Easy to Use
Adbrite has designed a very convenient way to work with them. You just need to sign up there through easy process and all types of ads will be there for you to run on your website within few minutes. Moreover you can also monitor the detailed update about these ads at publisher dashboard easily. Large websites or blogs running on popular topics and education related issues show great compatibility with Adbrite and make more money as compared to small websites on unpopular subjects.
3- Specific Targeting for Ads Placing
Adbrite is very much conscious about ads targeting according to the suitability of given website or blog. These ads are specifically targeted by locations, keywords, demographic aspects and website category. In this way Adbrite ensures the relevance of ads on every page of website through a very well organized system.
4- Adbrite VS Google AdSense
If we compare Adbrite money making system with that of Google then we see that Adbrite offers lower rates as compared to Google which makes it a second choice in case of Google AdSense availability. Therefore those publishers whose AdSense account got banned by Google often try their luck at Adbrite to keep the level of their monthly income constant through another reliable advertising money making program which has proved it as the best alternative to Google AdSense program with its massive scale advertising campaign serving 1 billion pages daily.
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